Title https://doi.org/ |
General questions of the theory and methodology of historical science |
1 |
Evolution of theory and methodology of preservation of farm animal biodiversity as basis for development of Ukrainian animal science
Boroday I.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
1-14 |
2 |
Development of theoretical-methodological forms of agricultural experimental case in Ukraine (20–30th of XX century)
Shchebetyuk N.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
15-34 |
World history |
3 |
«Guian project» (1938) in the context of the American policy towards European political refugees
Yushkevych V.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
35-46 |
History of Ukraine |
4 |
Library and archival development by Ukrainian governments (1917–1920)
Klapchuk S.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
47-69 |
5 |
The natural geographic prerequisites of the forming of road communications in the territory of Slobodan Ukraine and features of its functioning in the xviii century
Koniva Yu.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
61-78 |
6 |
The monetary reform of 1895–1897 years on the territory of the Russian empire in the evaluations of A.D. Nechvolodov
Mamoian S.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
79-89 |
7 |
Organizational-methodical and coordination activities of the Ukrainian republican specialized trust of poultry factories and poultry farms in 1963–1964
Melnyk V.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
90-103 |
8 |
Сulture as an identified Ukrainian village factor: ideology, politics, traditional measures (1960–1980s)
Padalka S.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
104-117 |
9 |
Training of specialists in Ukrainian republican agricultural technical school of correspondence study (1960–70’s)
Radchenko L., Sidorova N.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
118-131 |
10 |
Alexander Tsinkalovsky (1898–1983) – prominent historian and ethnographer of Volyn (to the 120th anniversary of his birthday)
Rushai E.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
132-143 |
11 |
Activity of the department of social sciences of Kharkov veterinary institute in the 50-60’s of the XX century
Frolov S., Prykhodko T., Kutcyna L.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
144-156 |
12 |
Experimental system for studying a stinking smut of winter wheat in Ukraine at the end of 19 – beginning of the 20 century
Shevchenko V.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
157-175 |
History of Science and Technology |
13 |
Еvоlutiоn of ecological thought on Ukrainian lands (the beginning of the IX–XX centuries)
Аndroshchuk L.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
176-188 |
14 |
The conditions of the machine-tool park formation of the Ukrainian SSR machine-building complex before the period of «socialist» industrialization (1919–1927)
Annenkova N.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
189-203 |
15 |
Prerequisites for the creation and main achievements of the Ukrainian scientific research institute of alcohol and biotechnology of food products (the second half of the 40’s of the XX – the beginning of the XXI century)
Bey R.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
204-215 |
16 |
The role of the Kharkiv society of agriculture on the development of the control-seed case in Ukraine (the beginning of the twentieth century)
Burdak A.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
216-227 |
17 |
The Kyiv period of development of the D.S. Vorontsov scientific school in the field of electrophysiology (1935–1965) on
Varyvoda K.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
228-249 |
18 |
Scientific heritage of academician P.M. Vasylenko (1900–1999)
Derkach O.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
250-260 |
19 |
First Ukrainian histological schools (the end of the XIX – early XX centuries)
Kebkalo T., Buts M.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
261-273 |
20 |
Development of entomological research in activity of Poltava agricultural society at the end of the nineteenth century
Kyselys K.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
274-286 |
21 |
L.G. Ramensky`S methods using in the geo-bothanic researches for the need of collective experimental case in Ukrainian SSR and USSR (1935–1936)
Kovalenko S.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
287-296 |
22 |
Yaroslav Nemets contribution (1842–1898) into the development of research in horticulture on the Ukrainian lands (devoted to the 120th anniversary of the scientist’s death)
Korzun O.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
297-313 |
23 |
Forming and development of the geological scientific school of the imperial Kharkov university (the second half of the XIX – beginning of XX century)
Lobenko S.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
314-327 |
24 |
Foundation of optimal structure of sowing areas and crop rotations for development of organic agriculture in economies of Ukraine in beginning of ХХІ of century
Orekhivskyi V.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
328-356 |
25 |
Kharkov period of activity of the outstanding physics, academician of the USSR L.D. Landau (1932–1937)
Tovmachenko V.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
357-370 |
26 |
Transcarpathian roots of veterinary science of Poltava region: on the occasion of the 60th birthday of professor P. Lokes (1958–2016)
Sharavara T., Makarets S.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
371-380 |
Announcements, reviews, events |
27 |
Professor M.R. Kozachenko: life in science (to the 80th anniversary of the birthday)
Ozhereleva V.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
381-391 |