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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 3
Article No. 6

6 The monetary reform of 1895–1897 years on the territory of the Russian empire in the evaluations of A.D. Nechvolodov full article
Mamoian S.
Pages: 79-89

The estimates of the monetary reform of 1895–1897 as a component of financial reforms in the Russian Empire have been outlined. The reform envisaged the introduction of gold monometallism in the Russian Empire and influenced the level of devaluation of paper money, this reform was ambiguously perceived in the society. It was noted that this reform that received the most controversial estimates in the second half of the XIX – early XX century depending on the social affiliation of the authors. The purpose of this scientific intelligence is to analyze the work of General A.D. Nechvolodova «From ruin to abundance», which contains deep reflections on the subject of this reform and has not lost relevance until now. During the research methods of comparative analysis and historical retrospection have been used. Thanks to these methods, it was possible to compare the level of estimates of monetary reform in the writings of authors who defended the interests of the landlords, the bourgeoisie and other social strata of the population with the estimates made by General A.D. Nechvolodov. Based on financial calculations, clearly stated facts and logically selected arguments, he proved the meaninglessness of the reform and its catastrophic consequences for the state. Considering that now Ukraine is anxious for strengthening its own monetary unit and to overcome inflation, the A.D. Nechvolodov’s researches are relevant nowadays.

Russian Empire, financial reforms, monetary reform, gold monometallism, A.D. Nechvolodov
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