All numbers / 2018 No.3 / Article No.15 |
15 |
Prerequisites for the creation and main achievements of the Ukrainian scientific research institute of alcohol and biotechnology of food products (the second half of the 40’s of the XX – the beginning of the XXI century)
full article |
Bey R.
Pages: |
204-215 |
Summary |
The main milestones of the formation and scientific activity of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Alcohol and Biotechnology of Food Products, the prototype of which was the Kyiv branch of the All-Union Research Institute of the Alcohol Industry, have highlighted. The purpose of the institute organization was to develop advanced technologies and equipment in alcohol, alcoholic beverage, yeast and other industries, as well as the implement of biotechnological processes to increase the quality of products in accordance with national and European standards. It is proved that the scientists of the institute have a priority in the development of low-investment bioethanol technology on the typical equipment of alcohol plants by azeotropic rectification and energy saving technology of bioethanol dehydration by adsorption on molecular sieves and others. It is shown that the main efforts of the institute at the present stage are aimed at creating new resource and energy saving, ecologically pure technologies for biotechnological processes and others.
Keywords |
Ukrainian Research Institute of Alcohol and Biotechnology of Food Products, Alcohol Industry, Alcohol Plant
References |
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