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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 3
Article No. 13

13 Еvоlutiоn of ecological thought on Ukrainian lands (the beginning of the IX–XX centuries) full article
Аndroshchuk L.
Pages: 176-188

The purpose of the article is to research the history of ecological thought in Ukraine based on the different methods. The article through the prism of the historical aspect is about becoming and development of ecological thought and education in Ukraine which have furthered the raising its economic activity.

Historical analysis was used to analyze the discoveries according to the environmental principles. The ecological method of approach to solving the actual tasks of agriculture was substantiated. The chronological, historical and descriptive methods of research were used as well as the content analysis. An excursus into the history of ecological thought was conducted and the contribution of scientists who founded it was carried out. It was determined that in ancient times ecological thought in Ukraine hadn’t any scientific basis. Ecological works of Ukrainian scientists are connected closely with researches in natural sciences. These works make radical changes to the level of cognition and therefore have a global significance.

evolution, becoming and development, research of nature, environment, development of science, agrarian science, agriculture, ecology
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