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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 3
Article No. 9

9 Training of specialists in Ukrainian republican agricultural technical school of correspondence study (1960–70’s) full article
Radchenko L., Sidorova N.
Pages: 118-131

The problems of land reclamation in the II half of the XX century are described in the article. The training of qualified specialists in the 1960s in the Ukrainian republican agricultural technical school of correspondence study in the fields of agronomy, agro chemistry, plant protection, hydro-melioration was studied. The activity of the Ukrainian Republican agricultural technical school of correspondence study in 1970 was covered. During the period the following directors headed the technical school: I.M. Stretovych, V.M. Haponiuk, V.M. Turchyn, V.P. Solovei, V.P. Chepyrnyi, P.L. Novoselskyi, B.I. Liashenko, V.Y. Protsenko. It is noted that the educational institution trained qualified specialists, who contributed to the development of agriculture. It was analyzed the work of the methodical center, which has operated on the basis of technical school since 1957. It tells about achievements of college graduates

agronomy, agro chemistry, plant protection, hydro-amelioration, field technologists, agronomists and fruit growers, farmers, agriculture, economic science, specialties, methodical center
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