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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 3
Article No. 23

23 Forming and development of the geological scientific school of the imperial Kharkov university (the second half of the XIX – beginning of XX century) full article
Lobenko S.
Pages: 314-327

The article is devoted to the formation and development of the Kharkov University Geological School, which is the oldest in Ukraine. Already the founder of the university – V.N. Karazin (1773–1842 gg.) was interested in geology. He became the author of several publications. Initially, geology was developed and taught at the Department of Mineralogy, which was one of the first in the university. In the middle of the XIX century specialized departments were created at the University: the Department of Mineralogy and Geology in 1837, the Department of Geology (with paleontology) in 1863, and in 1866 a geological cabinet arose. In the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries the university school of geology has reached its peak. This was due to the activities of such scientists as N.D. Borisyak (1817–1882 gg.), I.F. Levakovsky (1828–1893 gg.), O.V. Gurov (1843–1921 gg.), P.P. Pyatnitsky (1859–1940) and some others. The level of geological work of that time fully corresponded to the best foreign analogues. Geologists of the University were closely connected with their foreign counterparts, for example, the fact of electing honorary members of the university leading geologists of Europe (A. Humboldt, R. Murchison, P. Pallas, etc.) testifies to this. The development of the school took place in a close combination of theory and practice. Geological surveys of school representatives covered vast areas not only in Ukraine, but also in other regions of Eastern Europe and Asia. Of course, the school's greatest contribution to the study of the geology of Eastern Ukraine and, above all, the Kharkov region. Among the achievements of geological scientists - the first artesian well in the Russian Empire (Kharkov, O.V. Gurov). A high level of theoretical and applied research was consistent with the quality of teaching geology and related sciences. One of the first in the Russian Empire, the geologists of the university began to conduct educational expeditions and practices for students. The successes of the Kharkov University Geological School have become a solid foundation for the achievements of this science in the twentieth century.

geological formation and development of the school, the Kharkov University geology
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