All numbers / 2018 No.3 / Article No.8 |
8 |
Сulture as an identified Ukrainian village factor: ideology, politics, traditional measures (1960–1980s)
full article |
Padalka S.
Pages: |
104-117 |
Summary |
The purpose of the article is an analysis of changes in the role of culture in the development of Ukrainian villages in recent decades of Soviet statehood. On the basis of archival materials, the achievements of predecessors, the main tendencies of provision of villages by cultural institutions are considered, the specificity of the work of cultural workers is characterized. The process of attraction of rural population to the artistic amateur and theatrical art, and the influence on it of ideological factors is investigated. The scale of the development of a network of club institutions, visits to their rural population was determined. The features of provision of cultural needs by means of cinema are highlighted. The role of cinema, theatrical art, amateur performances in everyday rural workers is shown. It was found out that among the problems of securing the village cultural assets were the attempts of the state to establish in the consciousness of society the communist suggestions, which caused great damage to the identification of the village and the peasantry. The ideologization of the work of cult workers affected the methods and forms of activity, staffing of cultural institutions. The main form of organization of cultural life in the countryside, leisure of the peasantry was amateur performances. This allowed the creation of conditions for the use of folk folklore and mass participation of amateurs in large circles of peasants. Activities of amateur art, vocal, dance, folklore and ethnographic groups became traditional in villages. In many villages there were creative collectives of professional theaters. One of the most popular types of leisure was the cinema, many peasants were fond of attending film shows. Important role in the structure of leisure time peasants played clubs, which were the main focus of cultural life of the village. For cinema was an important phenomenon of everyday life of the inhabitants of Ukrainian villages. In the defined period, the functional role of the cinema changed, it was the most expressive means of party propaganda, and the display of those positive changes that took place in the Soviet state in various spheres of public life. In the creation of the cinema took part a powerful Kinoetsky shop. The production of cinema was aimed at propagating the Soviet way of life, showing its advantages on the example of life and everyday life of various social strata, including peasants.
Keywords |
culture, village, peasantry, state, politics, ideology, club, cinema, theater, art, cultural monuments
References |
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