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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 3
Article No. 4

4 Library and archival development by Ukrainian governments (1917–1920) full article
Klapchuk S.
Pages: 47-69

On the basis of the comprehensive study of archival materials and the latest scientific literature, the formation and development of the national archival and library affairs in the era of the National democratic revolution of 1917–1920 years is retrospectively analyzed. The position of the first Ukrainian governments regarding their development, which developed the basic principles of the creation of the national archival system, preservation, arrangement and scientific use of documents, as one of the richest sources on the history and culture of the Ukrainian people, are laid dream to create a national library system. The emphasis is on the formation of new organizational structures of the library and archival system, in particular, were formed: 1) National library with affiliates in the provinces; 2) the number of scientific, public and school libraries has grown considerably, becoming publicly accessible centers for cultural and educational work among the Ukrainian population; 3) Ukrainian Archival Fond and Central Archival Department, which took control and protection of the whole archival affair in Ukraine.

In particular, the Law on the prohibition to hold archival premises, to remove from them and to export books outside the country, which had historical value, has passed. On the basis of statistical data, the growth of the network of scientific, public, school libraries and the replenishment of books funds is illustrated by Ukrainianlanguage literature. Due to state funding, massive support for the development of libraries by local authorities, state officials, politicians, civic organizations and patrons, their material and technical resources was significantly improved. A conclusion is drawn about the importance of building libraries and archives of this period, which in the future played an important role in raising the cultural and educational level of the adult population, ideological, national, patriotic upbringing of the younger generation of Ukrainian citizens, in the Ukrainian cultural revival of the 1920s – 30s as a whole.

National-democratic revolution, national-cultural revival, state bodies, public organizations, library business, archival network, National library, Central archive management
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© National Scientific Agricultural Library NAAS, 2018