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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 3
Article No. 10

10 Alexander Tsinkalovsky (1898–1983) – prominent historian and ethnographer of Volyn (to the 120th anniversary of his birthday) full article
Rushai E.
Pages: 132-143

The article is dedicated to the life and creative path of the famous historian and ethnographer Alexander Tsinkalovsky (1898–1983). The creative activity of the scientist is briefly described. His contribution to the development of the local studies of Volyn is determined. An emphasis is made on the life events of the scientist and formation of his worldview as a researcher of the Volyn region. It is determined that a detailed study of the history of Volyn was the basis of his scientific research. It is proved that at present the life of the famous scientist is not verifiable. In particular the period of study at the University of Warsaw, as well as the period of scientific activity after moving the researcher to Krakow remains actual. The creation of an intellectual biography of Tsinkalovsky remains open.

Alexander Zinkalovsky, Volyn, history, local lore studies
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