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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 3
Article No. 2

2 Evolution of theory and methodology of preservation of farm animal biodiversity as basis for development of Ukrainian animal science full article
Boroday I.
Pages: 1-14

The author has demonstrated the global nature of the problem of domesticated animal gene pool preservation caused by intensive using some transboundary breeds and reduction in the number of aborigen and local ones. Ignoring this problem leads to loss of biodiversity, the restoration of which with traditional methods of breeding work is not possible. The main aim of the article to highlight the key milestones of forming of the theory and methodology of farm animal gene pool preservation, contribute of Ukrainian scientists to the development of the some specific approaches. The author has proved they have developed evolutionary, anthropological, ecological, synergistic, cultural approaches for stabilization the number of the domestic aborigen and local breeds. The problem solution is based on a combination of the whole complex of factors: theoretical and methodical, organizational, economic and technological. Nowadays cryopreservation of biomaterials is the dominant form of farm animal gene pool preservation. The article shows development of modern strategies of farm animal gene pool preservation should be based on the use of the most effective methods have proposed and verified by some scientists in the last century. The author used the special historical and scientific methods of research.

farm animals, animal science, animal husbandry, gene pool, preservation, crioconservation, gene bank
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