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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 3
Article No. 19

19 First Ukrainian histological schools (the end of the XIX – early XX centuries) full article
Kebkalo T., Buts M.
Pages: 261-273

The article is devoted to the first histological schools established in Ukraine. It was established that a significant influence on the development of domestic histology was discovered in the late nineteenth century. Departments of Histology at the leading universities of the country: Imperial Kharkiv University (1867), Kyiv University of St. Volodymyr (1868), Lviv University (1896) and Novorossiysk University (1899). The formation of histology as a science about the microscopic structure, development and vital functions of the organism’s structures at the Kharkov University took place thanks to the scientific research of the outstanding scientist N.А. Trzhaska-Khrzhnchevsky and his scientific school: N.K. Kulchytsky, V.Ya. Rubashkin, B.V. Alyoshin et al. Acknowledged by the world scientific community, scientists who worked in the direction of histological studies at the Kiev University of St. Volodymyr is P.I. Peremezhko, F.I. Lominsky, Ya.N. Yakimovich, O.V. Leontovich, O.G. Chernyakhivsky Scientists at different times headed the Department of Histology. It was found out that the scientific researches of Professor P.I. Peremezhko gave rise to a new era in cytology. Scientific school V. Shimonovich, who worked in the walls of Lviv University, made a significant contribution to the development of world medical science and education. In addition, one of the best in Europe was considered a laboratory, created at the Department of Histology, Novorossiysk University (Odessa). Its first head was well-known in scientific circles, Professor V.V. Podvysotsky.

histology, cytology, embryology, histologists, personalities, scientific school, microscope, microtome
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