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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 3
Article No. 11

11 Activity of the department of social sciences of Kharkov veterinary institute in the 50-60’s of the XX century full article
Frolov S., Prykhodko T., Kutcyna L.
Pages: 144-156

The article is devoted to the development of social sciences in the Kharkov Veterinary Institute in the 50-60’s of the XX century during Khrushchev’s «ottepel». The personality cult of Stalin and new opportunities for social scientists and historians were condemned according to the decisions of the 20th and 21st Congresses of the CPSU. The subject of scientific research is expanding, the funds of archives are opened and new sources are being introduced into the scientific field. This was a period of a certain liberalization of the social and scientific life of the country. At this time collective works of Kharkov historians have appeared. The most notable phenomenon of that time was the work on the 26-volume «History of Cities and Villages of the Ukrainian SSR». Historians of the Department of Social Sciences of the Kharkov Veterinary institute also contributed to the writing of this work. Preparing of the article is based on using the historical genetic method of research.

«ottepel», personality cult, social sciences, historical science, liberalization
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