All numbers / 2018 No.3 / Article No.26 |
26 |
Transcarpathian roots of veterinary science of Poltava region: on the occasion of the 60th birthday of professor P. Lokes (1958–2016)
full article |
Sharavara T., Makarets S.
Pages: |
371-380 |
Summary |
The importance of scientific schools achievements are of great importance for society nowadays. It is impossible to comprehend thoroughly the content of current scientific articles concerning different problems without studying scientific schools activity. The development of science is really determined by the work of its main centers which put it forward, therefore the evaluation and recognition of achievements of scholars of various historical periods is of high priority. Meanwhile, the formation of scientific schools is impossible without faithful hard work of individuals whose names deserve modern youth’s attention as well as descendants’ appreciation and acknowledgement. In June 2018 Poltava state agrarian academy commemorates a well-known veterinarian professor Petro Lokes (June 15, 1958 – July 14, 2016), who was born in Transcarpathian region and developed from a specialist of veterinary department of Mukachevo technical school to a scientist of Leningrad veterinary institute, Crimean agricultural institute and Poltava state agrarian academy. He managed to establish a veterinary clinic in Poltava, which has trained hundreds of doctors and after his death it continues its work for the benefit of both the agrarian academy and the city. P. Lokes made a significant contribution into the research of different problems concerning treatment of noncontagious diseases, published approximately 190 scientific works and textbooks, established his own scientific school and won the recognition outside the territory of Ukraine. The scientific council of St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine conferred P. Lokes honorary title of professor. At the same time he worked in a close contact with colleagues from the Carpathian region and introduced the achievements of representatives of S. Hzhytskyi Scientific School into teaching and learning process and practice.
Keywords |
Transcarpathian region, village of Rakoshyno, city of Mukachevo, Leningrad Veterinary Institute, Crimean Agrarian Institute, Poltava State Agrarian Academy, veterinary medicine
References |
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