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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 3
Article No. 14

14 The conditions of the machine-tool park formation of the Ukrainian SSR machine-building complex before the period of «socialist» industrialization (1919–1927) full article
Annenkova N.
Pages: 189-203

This article is devoted to the general historical picture of the machine-tool park formation of the Ukrainian SSR machine-building before «socialist» industrialization in the perspective of its scientific and technical potential. This provided an opportunity to highlight the relevant conditions in the context of the resource support of the Ukrainian engineering industry, to determine the causes and consequences creating such conditions and determining their influence on the level of the republic machine-building sector equipment with the basic means of production. As a result, the data have been obtained that make it possible to objectify the assessment of the readiness degree of the Ukrainian SSR machine-building complex to a large-scale transition of industry to industrial production lines according to the plans of the Union government in the late 1920s. The knowledge obtained as a result of this historical research broadens the historical perception of industrialization processes beyond the limits of a number of only scientific and technical phenomena or a chain of politically conditioned events.

industrialization, machine-building, machine-tool park, machinetool building, industry, metal-cutting equipment, scientific and technical potential
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