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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 3
Article No. 20

20 Development of entomological research in activity of Poltava agricultural society at the end of the nineteenth century full article
Kyselys K.
Pages: 274-286

The results of research by the Poltava Agricultural Society at the end of XIX century are presented. With the help of chronological and comparative methods, we analyze the process of the development of entomological research. This includes the activity of rural masters and entomologists, their influence on the development of entomological science and the invention of means for combating pests of agricultural crops. We show that the activity of the Society in this area was not sustainable and was largely dependent on finances. At that time there were no scientists who could deal with the problem of damage to agricultural crops by insects. The difficulties encountered by members of the Poltava agricultural society in solving this problem are shown and a significant contribution to the entomology of that time V.I. Philipyev, who was invited to Ukraine, where he studied the lifestyle and reproduction of insects and proposed a multitude of methods to combat pests of agricultural crops.

agriculture, entomology, field crops, pests, research, method
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