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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 3
Article No. 12

12 Experimental system for studying a stinking smut of winter wheat in Ukraine at the end of 19 – beginning of the 20 century full article
Shevchenko V.
Pages: 157-175

The article reveals the main activities of the P. Skoropadsky’s getmanat and subsequent forms of national statehood in implementing the policy of Ukrainization, founded by the UCR. The author argues that the attitude of P. Skoropadsky and his getmanat to Ukrainization, which was the leading trend of the liberation struggles of 1917–1921, was determined by a number of factors, namely its content, forms and methods of realization, concrete historical circumstances and others. The Ukrainianization of the period of the liberation struggle was aimed at bringing the entire spiritual, political, state-building and socio-economic life in Ukrainian lands in line with the interests and demands of the indigenous ethnic group, the Ukrainian people, which constituted the absolute majority of the population. The Ukrainianization was initiated by the Ukrainian Central Rada in the spring of 1917, which used the proposed M.S. Hrushevsky in 1907 the term «Ukrainization». The policy of Ukrainization was the main direction that provided the systemic character of the UNR led by the UCR and the Directorate, Hetmanate, throughout the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917–1921. A prominent role in the Ukrainization of all sectors of the life of the people was played by the spiritual heritage and an example of the heroic struggle of the prophets of national and social liberation of the people, first of all, Taras Shevchenko. A significant phenomenon of the Ukrainianization process was the creation or restoration of the activities of national political parties, which, by the end of 1917, there were 19, numerous public associations, etc. One of the main directions of Ukrainization in the years 1917–1921 was the Ukrainianization of statehoodactivities for the restoration and development of its own state.

«ottepel», personality cult, social sciences, historical science, liberalization
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