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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 3
Article No. 27

27 Professor M.R. Kozachenko: life in science (to the 80th anniversary of the birthday) full article
Ozhereleva V.
Pages: 381-391

It is determined that for the development of agricultural science familiarization with scientific heritage of selectionists-planters has priceless value. It is defined that Mykhailo Romanovych Kozachenko rightfully takes a particular place in the history of domestic science, having came into it as one of the prominent agrarians of the XX– XXI c. The course of life and creative development of a prominent native scientist in the field of breeding and genetics of agricultural crops are analyzed in the article with the method of historical and scientific analysis. He went through his creative career from a postgraduate to the Chief Scientist of the laboratory of spring barley selection at the Institute of plant growing nd. a V.Ya. Yuriev NAAS. A characteristic feature of his activity is a deep versatile erudition that provided him with deserved authority among the scientific community of agricultural science. State and public figure, outstanding geneticist, breeder and biotechnologist, talented scientist, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Agriculture of Ukraine Mikhail Romanovich Kozachenko continues selective affair of previous scientists. The periodization of barley breeding, developed at the Institute of Plant Cultivation nd. a. V.Ya. Yuriev of NAAS, was offered. The aim of the article is the research on the basis of archival documentation and published scientific papers of M.R. Kozachenko disclosure of his role as a scientist, popularizer and one of the organizers of scientific support of farming in the Рlant Production Institute nd. a. V.Ya. Yuryev during 1965–2018.

M.R. Kozachenko, spring barley, selection, genetics, hybridization, mutagenesis, sort
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