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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 3
Article No. 21

21 L.G. Ramensky`S methods using in the geo-bothanic researches for the need of collective experimental case in Ukrainian SSR and USSR (1935–1936) full article
Kovalenko S.
Pages: 287-296

Article analyzes the state of geo-botanical research for the needs of the collective experimental case during its activity by means of historical-scientific analysis. It is found out that the results of geo-botanical research in the methodology proposed by the outstanding botanist, ecologist, geographer and Doctor of Biological Sciences Leontii Grigorovich Ramensky (1884–1953) in 1935-1936 in the Moscow region, use as the basis for mass geo-botanical research. The methods of conducting geo-botanical researches with participation of collective farmers, teachers, ethnologists and other workers have studied. It is proved that conduct of geobotanical researches by collective farmers at the head of houses-laboratories has contributed not only to the formation of a coherent picture of vegetation and deepened knowledge about the ecological-cootic role of the some species in the composition and structure of different types of vegetation, but also helped the collective farms in regulating practical activity on their own lands in order to obtain high and stable harvests. It is shown that the practical and scientific work of L.G. Ramensky has left a bright and instructive example for contemporaries on pages of the history of world geo-botany, ecology, geography, biologization of agriculture.

geo-botany, collective experimental case, geo-botanical researches, house-laboratory, methodology, L.G. Ramensky, collective farmer
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