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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 3
Article No. 5

5 The natural geographic prerequisites of the forming of road communications in the territory of Slobodan Ukraine and features of its functioning in the xviii century full article
Koniva Yu.
Pages: 61-78

In the article studied the influence of natural and geographical conditions on the formation of land road communications on the territory of Sloboda Ukraine in the 18th century. As a result of scientific research, it was considered how the relief and climatic features and the river system of the region contributed to the genesis of the system of communication in Slobozhanshchina. In the article emphasizes the relationship between the development of transport communications and the establishment of a network of bridges and river crossings in the region in the 18th century. The features of bridge building on the roads of state, county, and rural importance are established. There were described the system of service and exploitation of bridges. Namely, relying on archival data, difficulties in the construction and repair of river crossings were shown.

land road communications, Sloboda Ukraine, river crossings, bridge building
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