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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 3
Article No. 25

25 Kharkov period of activity of the outstanding physics, academician of the USSR L.D. Landau (1932–1937) full article
Tovmachenko V.
Pages: 357-370

The purpose of the work is to investigate the so-called «Kharkiv period» of life and activity (1932–1937) on the basis of historical and problem-chronological analysis, as well as the influence of the scale of personality of the outstanding physicist-theorist, Nobel Prize laureate in the field of physics Lion Davidovich Landau, foreign a member of many academies in Europe and the United States – the city not only in the lifetime of his stay in Kharkov, but also the entire subsequent history of a unique city. With the use of numerous materials that can be conventionally referred to the topic «Kharkiv and science», «Landau in Kharkov» shows the contribution of the city and the role of Landau in the development of modern areas in science, the latest technology in technology, defense, engineering... Among the main component of intellectual wealth Kharkiv – a galaxy of prominent scholars – Landau belongs to the honorable place. His stay was a unique phenomenon in the history of the city of Kharkiv, but also had a great influence on the formation of himself as a scientist. The data on the main stages of its activity are given: creation of the theoretical physics department for the first time in the field of the former USSR; scientific school of physics, which included prominent scientists E.M. Lifshits, A.A. Abrikosov, O.I. Akhiezer, I.M. Lifshitz, V.B. Berestecky, Yu.M. Kagan, I.Ya. Pomeranchuk, R.Z. Sagdeev, L.M. Pyatigorsky, etc., the launch of a multi-volume course on theoretical physics, work at the world-renowned «Kapichnik» – the Institute of Physical Problems (1937–1968 biennium), and the participation of L.D. Landau in the nuclear project (1947–1953 biennium). It is shown what place Landau occupies in the modern life of Kharkiv. Opening of the memorial museum of L.D. Landau at the National Science Center «Kharkiv PhysicalTechnical Institute» on the street. Tchaikovsky in 2008; the opening of the Landau Center in the Northern Corps of the Kharkiv National; attempt to shoot a full-length film about Landau in Kharkiv; renaming one of the streets of Kharkiv to Landau avenue – all these events testify that the name Landau will remain in the memory of Kharkiv.

Landau Lev Davidovich, Kharkiv, UFTI, Theoretical Physics, Landau Center, Landau Avenue in Kharkiv
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