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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 3
Article No. 17

17 The Kyiv period of development of the D.S. Vorontsov scientific school in the field of electrophysiology (1935–1965) on full article
Varyvoda K.
Pages: 228-249

The article analyses academician D.S. Vorontsov and his students’ main achievements in the field of electrophysiology; reveals the Kiev stage of formation and development of the scientist’s schools. It is established that a the researchers conducted under D.S. Vorontsov’s guidance in the first Kyiv Medical Institute (1935–1945), the Research Institute of animals physiology, Kiev State University T.G. Shevchenko (1945–1956) and the O.O. Bohomolets Institute of Physiology AS USSR (1956–1965), were on various issues: the detection of bioelectric potentials of nerves, muscles and the central nervous system; the development of the issue of the electric current irritant effect essence; the study of the excitation and inhibition processes nature; the clarifi cation of the excitation synaptic transmission mechanism; the study of the physiological characteristics of nerve endings; the investigation of the fatigue nerves and muscles phenomenon.

D.S. Vorontsov, history of science, scientific school, electrophysiology, neurophysiology, membranology
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