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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 3
Article No. 24

24 Foundation of optimal structure of sowing areas and crop rotations for development of organic agriculture in economies of Ukraine in beginning of ХХІ of century full article
Orekhivskyi V.
Pages: 328-356

The large economies of Ukraine, in that in quality of model of optimization of land-tenure effective organic technologies were used on the basis of optimization of structure of sowing areas and crop rotations, are analysed. It is set that at the beginning ХХІ of century negative consequences from a failure to observe of scientifically reasonable crop rotations and excessive growing of high-performance cultures caused distorting the ecological balance of natural landscapes of Ukraine and strengthening of erosive processes in soil, that resulted in the decline of production of high-quality agricultural goods. Certainly, that forming of strategy of development of organic agriculture in the economies of Ukraine by the ground of optimal structure of sowing areas and crop rotations was provided by the scientists of research establishments that extended effective researches in this direction. Possibility of introduction of the dynamic crop rotations of intensively-ecological aspiration, adapted to the different groundclimatic terms with corresponding organic measures, appeared on the basis of works of scientists.

development, optimization, structure of sowing areas, crop rotation, organic agriculture, organic measures, economies
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