All numbers / 2018 No.3 / Article No.7 |
7 |
Organizational-methodical and coordination activities of the Ukrainian republican specialized trust of poultry factories and poultry farms in 1963–1964
full article |
Melnyk V.
Pages: |
90-103 |
Summary |
The article highlights the organizational, methodological and coordination activities of the Ukrainian Republican Specialized Trust of Poultry Factories and Poultry Farms in 1963–1964. The main tasks of «Ukrpoultrytrust» to strengthen the material and technical base of breeding farms; specialization of production of poultry products and development of inter-farm connections; organization of new poultry factories and poultry farms, it acquisition with high-quality selection material; ensuring the greatest possible increase in production and harvesting of poultry products; the development of measures to increase the productivity of poultry; training for poultry were generalized. As one of the main activities of «Ukrpoultrytrust», the author considered the preparation of five-year plans and proposals for the based directions of development of poultry farms. It is proved that the organizational, methodological and coordination activities of «Ukrpoultrytrust» became the basis for the development and implementation of a program for the transition of the poultry industry to an industrial basis.
Keywords |
«Ukrpoultrytrust», poultry farming, poultry, poultry factory, poultry production
References |
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