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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 — № 4

Recommended for publication by the Academic Council
of National Scientific Agricultural Library NAAS
December 28, 2018 (Minutes № 15)

  World history        
1 To a question on a state of «Baltic DPs» in Scandinavia in documents of state department of USA (1945–1948)
Yushkevych V.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 1-16
  History of Ukraine        
2 Anti-corruption activities of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the land sector: historical measurement (1990–2000)
Artiushenko I.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 17-33
3 The development of university astronomy in Ukraine in 60’s of the 20th century
Hrushytska I.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 34-38
4 Language Issues In Publicists And Handicraft Heritage Of Public Figure Petro Stebnytskyi (1862–1923)
Demuz I., Zhyvotivska D.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 49-67
5 Military activity of last kish ataman of Zaporoz’ka Sich Petro Kalnyshevsky in totalitarian historiography
Kotsur H.H.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 68-82
  History of Science and Technology        
6 The questions of physiology of labor in researches of scientists Kyiv’ Institute Of Hygiene Labour and professional illness (1928–1941)
Varyvoda K., Hordenko S.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 83-102
7 Scientific-organizational and tutorial activities of Professor P.F. Tuchkan in Katerynoslavska province (1899–1918)
Volovodovska V.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 103-116
8 National academy of sciences of Ukraine: some directions of international cooperation (1918–2000)
Zvonkova G.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 117-132
9 Sugar beet cultivation on the Ukrainian farmlands in the 19 – at the beginning of the 20th centuries for the needs of becoming and development of branch researches
Kovalenko S.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 133-154
10 Basic directions of activities of Ukrainian research institute of socialistic agriculture during 1941–1945
Korzun O.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 155-176
11 History of activities of the patent departments of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (1942–2015)
Kossko T., Khomenko I.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 177-191
12 Natives Of Hlukhivshchyna in the case of Ukrainian academy sciences creation
Kurok O., Byelashov V.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 192-202
13 Development of scientific activities of the allelopathial department of M.M. Grishko’s National Botanical Garden of NAS of Ukraine (1960–2005)
Kucheriavyi O.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 203-216
14 Scientific-organizational activities of the land agronomic organizations of the end of 19th centuries
Lukashevich Yu.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 217-230
15 The first All-Ukrainian horticultural conference 1928 in the history of agricultural research work
Nyzhnyk S.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 231-240
16 Contribution of professor A.A. Osipchuk (1937–2015) to the development of potato selection in Ukraine
Oliinyk T.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 241-253
17 The role of academic O.K. Kedrov-Zikhman (1885–1964) in the development of soil liming theory
Platkovskaya O.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 254-264
18 An evolution of scientific bases of application of protecting soil agriculture in Poltava in the second half of 20th century
Smirnova B.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 265-286
19 Agroeconomic research in scientific searches of prince V.O. Kudashev (1846–1916): retrospective view
Stolyar O.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 287-309
20 Ukrainian scientific and research station of oil crops: history and achievements (1932–1955)
Tomashina G.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 310-331

Title page of Edition
© National Scientific Agricultural Library NAAS, 2018