The article deals with the historical retrospective of the creation and operation of patent offices, their activity led to the management and scientific and methodological guidance of inventive activity in the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Thus, the history of the creation of patent offices at all stages of the existence of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine is analyzed. Their role in the development of inventive activity at the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic and the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine during the period of independence is revealed. The urgency of the inventive activity is that it promotes acceleration of innovative processes. The new principles of activities of the offices reflected in their composition (including from the scientific staff), new functions, such as implementation of marketing research and provision of activities in the field of technology transfer, definition of the procedure and amount of remunerations to the creators of intellectual property rights objects. Activity of offices positively affected activity of scientific institutions from patenting of scientific developments and up to commercialization of results of scientific researches.
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