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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 4
Article No. 16
All numbers / 2018 No.4 / Article No.16 16 Contribution of professor A.A. Osipchuk (1937–2015) to the development of potato selection in Ukraine full article
Pages: 241-253 Summary The article is devoted to the study of the life and work of Andriy Antonovich Osipchuk, a well-known in Ukraine and abroad prominent scientist-breeder, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor, leading specialist in the field of potato-growing.
The scientists have disclosed the principles of creating potato varieties suitable for cultivation in different soil-climatic zones of Ukraine and the role of using heterosis in the selection of potatoes on yield. It has been investigated that highyielding heterozosis forms can be obtained not only from interbreeding of interspecific hybrids and their baccid species with cultural varieties, but also through moderate inbreeding and self-pollination of interspecific hybrids. Professor A.A. Osipchuk sets criteria for selecting parental pairs in breeding for yield, resistance to diseases and pests, adaptability and other valuable attributes. The schemes of the use of the source material of interspecific origin were studied and applied for the creation of new varieties of potatoes with valuable features. The scheme of the selection process is introduced, which includes new elements that allow more efficiently to select a potato for a set of features.
In the portfolio of Andrew Antonovich more than 80 varieties of potatoes, numerous scientific works, monographs, inventions.
Keywords Andriy Antonovich Osipchuk, scientist, breeder, scientific activity, hybridization, source material, varieties, potatoes References
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