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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 4
Article No. 3
All numbers / 2018 No.4 / Article No.3 3 The development of university astronomy in Ukraine in 60’s of the 20th century full article
Pages: 34-48 Summary Ukrainian astronomers from the very beginning of the space era have been actively involved in the development of problems of experimental exploration and space exploration. In the article, on the basis of archival sources, the main provisions of the General Plan for training and development of scientific research in the field of astronomy at Ukrainian universities in the 1960s, elaborated by the leading Ukrainian scholars-astronomers: Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR M.P. Barabashov, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR V.P. Tsesevich, professors S.K. Vsesvyatsky and M.S. Eygenson, associate professors A.F. Bogorodsky and B.L. Kashchevym for execution of the Order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR No. 323 about relevance of the development of the theoretical astronomy and its practical application in connection with the introduction of humanity into the era of experimental research and development of the space were determined.
It was analysed the content of the organizational measures proposed by the working group to provide the necessary scope of research work, in particular, the need to specialize the scientific directions of each institution and the department, taking into account the existence of certain already formed schools , the reorganization of the Odessa Astronomical Observatory to the Research Institute of Space Problems, the Kharkiv Astronomical Observatory to the Research Institute of the Physics of the Solar System, the Kyiv Observatory to the Research Institute of the astronomy, the establishment of astronomical research observatories at Uzhgorod and Dnipropetrovsk universities, the completion of the construction of the suburban observatory at Lviv University in order to raise the question of setting up the Research Institute of the Physics of the Sun and Stars on its base, assigning categories to research institutions, carrying out complex measures to strengthen the material base, increase the staffing of research workers and support staff, expand the specialization of astronomers in Ukraine. Significant deficiencies, which led to a decrease in the level of research work and prevented the growth of observatories were identified.
Keywords observatory, research work, specialization, scientific direction, experimental research and space exploration, material base References
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