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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 4
Article No. 8
All numbers / 2018 No.4 / Article No.8 8 National academy of sciences of Ukraine: some directions of international cooperation (1918–2000) full article
Pages: 117-132 Summary The article deals with the development of the scientific researches in Ukraine. The development of science in Ukraine traces back to the end of 19-th century. The researches in technical and scientific spheres led to the establishment of The Academy of Science in Ukraine.
The greatest achievements of the Ukrainian scientists were reached after World War 2. New scientific centers were established during the period of 1960–1980 years with a considerable number of workers present. Various institutes of the Academy made significant breakthroughs in the fields of: cybernetics, energetics, mining, machine manufacturing, biotechnology, space-exploration. The Academy fulfilled a number of commissions of Soviet Republics. One of the primary goals of the Academy was the exploration of the depth of the Earth, in order to mine different minerals of the great value.
One of the main tasks of science, in particular academic, was the development of the underground of the Ukrainian SSR, rich in stony and brown coal, oil and natural gas. International scientific relations of the institutions of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR were distributed. The number of scientists sent abroad was growing.
The Academy of Science of Ukraine contributed a lot into making USSR a superpower. In 1960–1980, the Academy happened to be a center of a considerable number of scientific researches. The Academy founded several institutes all over Ukraine. When the Chernobyl Disaster broke out, the Academy had deployed all its resources to dispose the threat and to minimalize the damage done by the nuclear outbreak. The Academy made an invaluable contribution into space and rocket researches. The Academy had started the creation of weaponries for space combat. In the 1990, more than a half of constructional buraus of the Academy, worked for needs of the war-machine of USSR.
Ukraine became one of the seven countries in the world that was dealing with the problem of managing fusion reactions. In 1990, 20 percent of the research centers – research institutes, design institutes and 30 percent of the mechanical engineering industry – worked on the military-industrial complex of the Soviet Union. The national economy of the republic produced 5percent of world production. In 1993, the International Association of the Academies of Sciences was created in cooperation with UNESCO.
Keywords science, technology, research work, fundamental research, scientific center, organization of production References
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