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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 4
Article No. 2
All numbers / 2018 No.4 / Article No.2 2 Anti-corruption activities of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the land sector: historical measurement (1990–2000) full article
Pages: 17-33 Summary The article attempts to find out the main directions of anti-corruption activity of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the land sector on the basis of a wide array of sources and scientific literature. In intelligence, it is emphasized that this problem is only partly reconsidered in the scientific literature, mainly due to the incompleteness of socio-political and socio-economic processes. Therefore, the study of such a segment of the state government is still at an early stage.
First of all characterized complex processes of transformation in the field of land relations, in particular denationalization of land, forming a system of land relations, development of a lease, etc. Particular emphasis is placed on identifying the causes of corruption in this area, clarifying the contradictions that arose in the processes of land tenure and land use.
One of the key issues in the work is an analysis of the work of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the field of prevention of corruption in the field of land relations. It is pointed out that in the anti-corruption activity of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine the land relations, which were particularly acute in the process of denationalization of land, as the object of legal property and management, which proceeded spontaneously on the beneficial oligarchs of the anniversary, leaving on the road of confused and uncertainties in its grain production the fate of the peasants. The land sphere became one of the most corrupt in the system of public administration. Analyzing the consequences of corruption in the field of land relations, the author notes that corruption has become one of the most urgent problems in Ukraine, which has extremely negatively affected the pace of development of the economy of the state, power and society as a whole. According to sociological surveys, the problem of corruption for Ukrainians in its significance was second only to military actions in the East of Ukraine. There was an increase in the number of citizens who believed that the main responsibility for overcoming corruption lies on their own and only later on by the efforts of the state. It is concluded that corruption was manifested, first of all, in the form of intentional abuses by officials of state authorities, including in the field of land relations. An attempt was made to find out the role of the Verkhovna Rada in counteracting and preventing corruption, developing a state anti-corruption policy, and creating special anti-corruption bodies. It is confirmed that in Ukraine the relevant legislative preconditions for the prevention and counteraction of corruption in the field of land relations were created.
Keywords Verkhovna Rada, law, village, land, finance, politics, anti-corruption laws, prevention, counteraction References
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