Petr Fedorovich was born on June 29, 1867. In 1888, he entered the agricultural department of the Petrovsky Agricultural and Forestry Academy. In September 1899, Pavel Fedorovich accepts the invitation of E.K. Brodsky became the steward of 7 November 1899 Verkhniodniprovskaya agricultural school and Erasto Agricultural Experimental Station Katerynoslavsky provincial zemstvo 1 st level. Decisive importance regarding the necessity of arrangement of a special agricultural research station in the Yekaterinolsk province was played by crop failure in 1880. On the initiative of certain vowels of Verkhnyodniprovsky district Zemstvo assembly was developed estimates for its deployment. However, the case did not move even after considering at the provincial zemstvo meeting Dec. 11, 1890, the statute, detailed estimates and program of activities. However, one-time payments in the amount of 17880 rubles and the allocation of land at 25 acres of land did not move from place to process, despite the official consent to the opening of the station, even on the part of the emperor of the Russian Empire. The following year, the provincial Zemsky Assembly will make another decision on the appointment of a provincial agronomist by the director of the station. At the same time to take care of its activities directly had to be specially created agronomy bureau under the provincial zemstvo board. At an emergency meeting on June 30, 1894, the provincial Zemstvo Assembly unanimously decided to open a lower agricultural school. Іn 1896 Ekaterinoslavsk district dossier submitted its own petition to the provincial Zemsky Assembly about the opening of a research station in the region. During the discussion, they spoke on the joint complementary existence of the newly created agricultural school and experimental field. The regular meeting of December 9, 1897, according to the report of the provincial council, supported this idea, first of all, in order to save money. The final decision on the establishment of the two institutions was unanimously adopted at the regular February session of the Ekaterinoslav provincial zemstvo meeting on the report of the agronomic branch of the board. The funds allocated the local province. It was also decided that the co-chairman of the school will be led by a research station as well. With the support of the philanthropist and thanks to the organizational talents, P.F. Tushkan school quickly became a well-known branch educational center not only in the province, which covered the territory of the present Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporozhye and partly of Kirovograd and Lugansk regions, but also in the south of the Russian Empire. Repeatedly to the events of 1917, P.F. Tushkan appeared on the signatures for the national branch science and education collections. Thus, the analysis of scientific-organizational and teaching activity of P.F. Tushkan gives grounds to assert that the scientist was a talented teacher, methodologist and organizer.
- Vergunov, V. A. (2015). Profesor P. F. Tushkan (1867–1942) – uchenyj, osvityanyn, gromadskyj i politychnyj diyach [Professor P. F. Tushkan (1867–1942) – a scientist, an educator, a public and political figure]. Poltava, 112. [in Ukrainian].
- Vergunov, V. A. (2018). Profesor Pavlo Fedorovy’ch Tushkan (Tushkanov) (1867–1942) : zhyttya viddane agrarnij nauci i osviti Ukrayiny [Professor Pavel Fedorovich Tushkan (Tushkanov) (1867–1942) : life is given to agrarian science and education of Ukraine]. Istoriya nauky i texniky. [History of science and technology]. Kyiv. 11, 125–146. [in Ukrainian].
- Tushkan, P. F. (1909). Polevyye opyti 1901–1904 gg. s kratkim ocherkom vozniknoveniya organizatsii i deyatelnosti stantsii [Field experiments of 1901–1904 with a brief outline of the emergence, organization and operation of the station]. Ekaterinoslav. 1, 8–20. [in Russian].
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- Beresten, Yu. V. and Moroz, V. I. (2018). Pavlo Fedorovy’ch Tushkan – fundator pochatkovoyi ta serednoyi silskogospodarskoyi osvity Prydniprovya pochatku XX st. [Pavel Fedorovich Tushkan is the founder of primary and secondary agricultural education in the Dnieper region of the early twentieth century]. Problemy politychnoyi istoriyi Ukrayiny [Problemy politychnoyi istoriyi Ukrayiny]. Dnipro, 13. 292. [in Ukrainian].
- (1908). Zhurnal soveshchaniya agronomov 30 aprelya pri Gubernskoy Zemskoy Uprave. [Journal of the Agronomists Meeting April 30 at the Provincial Zemsky Administration]. Doklady i zhurnaly soveshchaniya zemskikh agronomov i spetsialistov po selskokhozyaystvennomu opitnomu delu. sozvanogo Ekaterinoslavskoy gub. zemsk. upravoy 27–30 aprelya 1908 g. [Reports and journals of the meeting of zemstvo agronomists and specialists in agricultural expert business, convened by the Yekaterinoslav provincial zemstvo council on April 27–30, 1908]. Ekaterinoslav. 238. [in Russian].
- (1910). Zhurnal agronomicheskogo soveshchaniya 6-go noyabrya [Journal of the agronomic meeting on November 6th]. Zhurnaly pyatogo soveshchaniya agronomov pri Ekaterinoslavskoy gubernskoy uprave 4–6 noyabrya 1909 goda. [The journals of the fifth meeting of agronomists at Ekaterinoslav gubernia council November 4–6, 1909]. Ekaterinoslav, 160. [in Russian].
- Tushkan, P. (1910). Predisloviye [Preface]. Meteorologicheskiye nablyudeniya 1901-1909 gg. s obshchey kharakteristikoy klimaticheskikh rusloviy za eto vremya [Meteorological observations of 1901–1909 with a general characteristic of the climatic channels during this time]. Sumy. 2. 4. [in Russian].
- (1913). Po dokladu Pushkana P. F. «O borbe s sindikatami kamenougolnoy promyshlennosti». [According to the report Pushkana P.F. «On the struggle against syndicates of the stone coal industry»]. Trudy 1-go Vserossiyskogo selskokhozyaystvennogo syezda v Kiyeve 1–10 sentyabrya 1913 g. Postanovleniya syezda [Proceedings of the First All-Russian Agricultural Congress in Kiev, September 1–10, 1913. Decree of the Congress]. 24. [in Russian].