All numbers / 2018 No.4 / Article No.19 |
19 |
Agroeconomic research in scientific searches of prince V.O. Kudashev (1846–1916): retrospective view
full article |
Stolyar O.
Pages: |
287-309 |
Summary |
The work of V.О. Kudashev on agroeconomic issues, in particular the cost price of grown products, the factors influencing it (previous consignment of coppers to skewers, the presence of skilled workers, educated managers, the use of agricultural machines and tools, grain harvesting and grinding breads depending on climatic conditions) and ways to reduce it. The list of factors described by the researcher, which negatively affects the grain and plant, is given. It is established that V.О. Kudashev thoroughly studied grain and cereal crops, and also advised landowners on poppy and safflower cultivation in the Kherson region. He posted his advice to the practitioners on the pages of the «Agricultural Newspaper». V.О. Kudashev encouraged progressive owners to send their research results for publication in this publication.
Keywords |
V.О. Kudashev, agriculture economics, research, technology of cultivating crops
References |
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