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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 4
Article No. 20
All numbers / 2018 No.4 / Article No.20 20 Ukrainian scientific and research station of oil crops: history and achievements (1932–1955) full article
Pages: 310-331 Summary In the article, based on the application of the historical approach it was grounded the specificity of the scientific activity of the Ukrainian scientific and research station of oil crops (USRSOC), which was organized on the basis of the Adjamskaya Agricultural Experimental Station and carried out its activity in 1932– 1955. The purpose of historical searches was to find out the place and role of the Ukrainian scientific research station of oilseeds in the development of agrarian science in Ukraine.
It was established that main direction of activity of the station it was in the past the development of the most important agro technical methods of cultivation of both the main and rare oil crops. It was analyzed the work of the institution for the production of varieties of castor-oil plant, sunflower, soybean, suitable for cultivation in the Steppe zone of Ukraine.
In the course of the conducted researches, was substantiated the influence of the organization in 1939 of Kirovograd region on further expansion of directions of activity of USRSOC. It was found that the USRSOC it was in the past a scientific institution of the republican level, which laid the foundation for basic research in the field of agrotechnics, protection of plants, breeding and seed production of oil crops in the northern Steppe of Ukraine.
Based on the relevant material and technical base and experience of scientific activity, the Ukrainian scientific and research station of oil crops became the basis for the establishment in 1956 of the Kirovograd Regional Agricultural Research Station.
Keywords oil crops, agro technics, breeding, seed production, support points, Steppe References
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