The method of historical and scientific analysis reveals the first attempts to introduce zemstvo agronomy, which dates back to 1883, when an agricultural organization was established in the Perm province. It was found out that social agronomy as a phenomenon in the history of agriculture was determined by the activities of public organizations, local governments, well-known scientists. The direction of zemstvo agronomy was to popularize the innovations offered by scientists for their introduction in peasant farms – the so-called «agronomic assistance to the population», but it was found that by the end of the 80’s of the nineteenth century zemstvo agronomic activity did not have a significant impact on agriculture. It was determined that the general congress of agronomic aid workers to the local population in 1901, which brought the social agronomy in the country to the general government level, played a generating role for the birth, formation and development of public agronomy, and hence agriculture as a whole.
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