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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 4
Article No. 12
All numbers / 2018 No.4 / Article No.12 12 Natives Of Hlukhivshchyna in the case of Ukrainian academy sciences creation full article
Pages: 192-202 Summary Nowadays it is very important to study the contribution of scientists to the preparatory work and opening the higher academic institution in Ukraine. This is one of the important scientific tasks of the researchers.
At the same time, regional and local levels are taken into account. One of these regions is the former capital of Ukraine-the Hetmanate – the town of Hlukhiv and the historic Hlukhiv disrict situated at present in the borders of Sumy region.
Of late quite a lot of researches on scholars who originated from the historic Hlukhiv disrict have been published. Among them are the fundamental works of Yu. Shemshuchenko prepared with his participation and preface, selected works of the Academician and the second President of the Ukrainian Academy of sciences (transformed by him into the All-Ukrainian Academy of sciences) M. Vasylenko. The works of U. Usenko, L. Matveyeva, E. Tsyhankova, O. Yanovsky are profound.
However, while solving individual issues, the deep and steady preconditions for founding the Ukrainian Academy related to Hlukhiv and the contribution of the Hlukhovites to its founfing were not sufficiently highlighted.
The aim of writing the article is the in-depth coverage of the place and role of the natives of Hlukhiv disrict in the process of founding the Ukrainian Academy of sciences including the long-standing historical need. While achieving it the author used the systematic methods, analysis and synthesis. Their application made it possible to assess the significance of the Hlukhiv representatives in founding the Ukrainian academic science.
Keywords Ukrainian Academy of sciences, Hetmanate Ukraine, Hlukhiv, F. Tumans’ky, M. Vasylenko, V. Kosyns’ky References
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