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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 4
Article No. 4
All numbers / 2018 No.4 / Article No.4 4 Language Issues In Publicists And Handicraft Heritage Of Public Figure Petro Stebnytskyi (1862–1923) full article
Pages: 49-67 Summary The article continues the cycle of author publications about Petro Stebnytskyi (1862–1923) and his role in the formation of the so-called «Ukrainian National Creation Project» at the end of the 19th – early 20th centuries. The purpose of the article is to analyze the linguistic studies of the public figure, which raised the relevant issues of the language connection with the genetic component, national character, spirit of the people; the subject of consideration was also the integrational, consolidational characteristics of the language in the publicistic discourse and the manuscript inheritance of P. Stebnytskyi; media polemics on spelling, lexical composition etc.
Along with the problem-chronological, comparative-historical and descriptive methods of research content analysis and source-criticism were used in the article.
We believe that the media texts of P. Stebnytskyi fully fit into the general linguistic discourse of the 19th – early 20th centuries about the place and importance of the Ukrainian literary and oral language in the life of society. It was established that public figure consistently defended the rights of the Ukrainian language in tsarist Russia, publicly advocated its protection, and promoted the possibility of the existence of Ukrainian-language literature. P. Stebnytskyi defended the Ukrainian-language education, was engaged in editorial and lexicographic work, made efforts to streamline the Ukrainian spelling. The article analyzes the following journalistic and manuscript works of public figure dedicated to the linguistic question: «The fate of the Ukrainian word in Russia», «St. Petersburg «Prosvita», «On the purity of the language», «Lithuanian alphabet and Little Russian literature», «State language», «The case of the state language», «Ukrainian question», «Essay on the development of the current censorship regime in relation to the Little Russian writing», «On the question of Ukrainian spelling» etc.
Keywords Petro Stebnytskyi, Ukrainian language, linguistic question, mediatexts, censorship, fiction (belles-lettres), lexicographical activity, Ukrainian spelling References
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