It is set that development of considerable part of factors of deep degradation of the ground cover in Ukraine took place through the predatory going near the use of the landed resources, absence of realization of them global nature protection and social role, imperfection of public policy in relation to the guard of earth. Importance of evolution of scientific bases of application of protecting soil agriculture is certain in insufficient terms moistening of Poltava, that included introduction of scientifically reasonable duty of cultures in crop rotations, till of soil is without shelves, against erosive measures and balanced systems of fertilizer. Due to application of protecting soil agriculture during 1970th 1980th – in the economies of the Poltava region did not use herbicides, pesticides and chemical facilities of defence of plants. The Poltava area became one of leading agrarian regions of Ukraine after the productivity and gross collections of grain-crops, sugar beets and forage, that promoted him to economic flight.
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