In the article for the first time on the base of scientific literature is analysed of contribution of the scientists of Kyiv’ institute of hygiene labour and professional illness to the development of physiology of labour during 1928–1941 years. Opening of the Kyiv institute of hygiene labour and professional illness in November 28, 1928 was perceived Kyivan scientific and medical community as an important event in the development of hygienic science in the USSR. Since its inception, the institute had the following departments: clinical with a polyclinic, hospital and clinical laboratory; professionally hygienic with hygienic, chemical and physiological laboratories; medical statistics; professional separation and professional counselling; sanitary education. It was found, that the first years of work the most extensive researches of the scientists in the institute have dealt with issues of physiology and occupational health in agriculture and the sugar industry. In particular, academician V. Yu. Chagovets led a research on the physiology of labour, professors S. V. Tartakovsky and V. G. Lazarev studied the risk factors of occupational diseases, G. L. Shkaver investigated the effects of toxic substances on the organism of workers. Particular attention is paid to the works in the physiology labour field of V. Yu. Chagovets, M. K. Witte, V. P. Gorev, M. V. Leinik, V. A. Nowi, S. I. Fudel-Osipova, G. H. Shahbazyan, I. M. Erman. Scientists have found a number of important provisions regarding the impact of microclimatic conditions for health of workers in the hot shops of sugar factories; researched the changes in the biopotentials of heart, skeletal muscles and skin in the work process; introduced the principles of improvement in the working conditions of the agriculture; developed some recommendations for rational organization of work and rest. In workshops of the institute was established production equipment (string galvanometers, Helmholtz pendulums, hronaksimetres, resistance thermometers, universal electric thermometers, Banga scales, fregolymers, fregoligraphs, Vernon layers, catatermometers, chronoscopes) for provide specific experimental research in the physiology of labour.
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