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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 4
Article No. 13

13 Development of scientific activities of the allelopathial department of M.M. Grishko’s National Botanical Garden of NAS of Ukraine (1960–2005) full article
Kucheriavyi O.
Pages: 203-216

Using methodological tools and based on archival and other sources, the peculiarities of creation of the world’s only the Allelopathial Department of M.M. Grishko’s National Botanical Garden of NAS of Ukraine. An overview of the chemical interaction of organisms or allelopathy is described and the creative contribution of its founder – A.M. Grodzinsky, as well as scientific achievements of the individual departmental staff. The spectrum of allelopathic researches in Ukraine during 1960–2005 and their main performers is presented. Information is provided on the protection of scientists of the department of candidate and doctoral theses devoted to various aspects of the development of allelopathy in Ukraine. The representation activity of the creative team, cooperation with many domestic research institutions, as well as with scientists from foreign countries is highlighted.

development, scientific activity, creative contribution, allelopathy, A.M. Grodzinsky, the Allelopathial Department of M.M. Grishko’s National Botanical Garden of NAS of Ukraine
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