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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 4
Article No. 9

9 Sugar beet cultivation on the Ukrainian farmlands in the 19 – at the beginning of the 20th centuries for the needs of becoming and development of branch researches full article
Kovalenko S.
Pages: 133-154

Historical aspects of origination and development of sugar beet cultivation on the Ukrainian farmlands in the nineteenth - early twentieth centuries have been researched and analysed. The work was focused on agro technology of sugar beets growing and selection and dynamics of their cultivation aimed to ensure sustainable production of sugar and improvement of livestock forage supply. It was found that despite the deficient engineering and technical base of agricultural plants and factories, hard working conditions, lack of skilled personnel and shortage of specific knowledge, gradual development of sugar beet cultivation technology and sugar industry was still taking place. The direct contribution of individual private agronomists, sugar plants leaders, patrons, as well as research institutions and organizations to the development of the sugar beet agricultural branch on the territory of Ukraine in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries has been investigated.

beet breeding, sugar beet, sugar industry, breeding, breeding stations, collective varietal testing, agro technology of cultivation
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