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Electronic scientific professional edition
History of Science and Biographical Studies
2018 No. 4
Article No. 10

10 Basic directions of activities of Ukrainian research institute of socialistic agriculture during 1941–1945 full article
Korzun O.
Pages: 155-176

It is set that during 1941–1945 to branch research establishments considerable harm was inflicted. Most institutes, stations and fields, were fully destroyed, other – destroyed and robbed. Certainly, that after a return institutes, experimental stations and fields on the territories released from invaders next to the advanced study scientists settled the problems of organizationally-economic direction. Activity of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Socialistic Agriculture is analysed, where on the slave to him experienced stations, fields and strong points, soil of high-performance home agriculture is stopped up. It is found out, that the scientists of institute are work out effective agrotechnical measures on further renewal of grain - beet economy and vegetable-growing. Pay attention to the effective growing of rare cultures and longterm herbares; to introduction of scientifically reasonable crop rotations, as bases of effective agriculture; to effective till of soil and bringing of organic and mineral fertilizers, terms and norms of bringing of chemical facilities in sowing of the, cultivated and vegetable grain-crops.

development, proceeding in researches, scientifically-organizational activity, scientifically reasonable measures, agrotechnical measures, agricultural cultures, agriculture
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