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Archive ⇒  History of Science and Biographical Studies 2021 No.1

Recommended for publication by the Academic Council
of National Scientific Agricultural Library NAAS
March 24, 2021 (Minutes No. 4)

History of Ukraine
1 Olexander Oleksandrovych Brauner: pedagogical and educational activities

Bezlutska O.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 1–15
2 Agrarian women’s biographics in the context of gender studies

Demuz I.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 16–32
3 Features of activity of the library commission of the Kyiv Literacy Society on the distribution of literature among the population of Right-Bank Ukraine (end of XIX – beginning of the XX century)

Kotsur А.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 33–43
4 Local lore Ukraine as a component of social geography in the creative heritage of K.V. Dubniak (1890–1948)

Omelchenko S.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 44–60
5 Development of tourist infrastructure in the context of protection of cultural heritage of Ukraine

Kharkovenko R.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 61–73
6 Kyiv Hydromelioration Institute at the beginning of the Germany – Soviet war

Tsybulskyi V.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 74–91
Historiography and Source Base
7 Main ways of tendentious processing of historical information in the Soviet historiography of national electrical machine-building in 1920s - 1930s

Annienkov I.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 92–117
History of Science and Technology
8 Professor V.P. Ustyantsev's (1875-1935) activities in the context of the formation of agricultural experimental work and higher professional education in Ukraine

Apostol M.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 118–135
9 Theoretical-methodological and applied aspects of soil protection measures against erosion in Ukraine taking into account local and global challenges (second half of the XX - beginning of the XXI century)

Kolomiiets L.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 136–159
10 Сhapters of history of the practical field of Uman school of agriculture and horticulture (second half of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century)

Kostiuk M., Harbar O.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 160–175
11 Professor G.F. Podoba (1872–1943) – developer of methodical fundamentals of breeding work, organizer of the system of zootechnical education in Ukraine

Podoba B., Borodai I.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 176–190
12 The scientific heritage of Nicolai Anhorn Hartwiss, the second director of the Nikita Botanical Garden

Rubtsova O., Chuvikina N.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 191–204
13 The personalities of the electrical industry: the founder of low-voltage electrical engineering of Ukraine - professor B.F. Vashura

Tverytnykova O., Gutnyk M., Grechko O.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 205–226
14 Scientific views of the outstanding scientist-hygienist of Professor Andrii Sulima-Samoilo

Tovkun L.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 227–248
Information and library support of historical and scientific research
15 Information supply for agriculture USSR: historical aspect

Kapralyuk O., Shchyhol H.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 249–265
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