 Electronic catalog NSAL NAAS online
15 |
full article |
Pages: |
284-308 |
Summary |
The purpose of the research is to highlight the role of libraries of higher education institutions in Ukraine in promoting the principles of academic integrity and providing practical recommendations in this direction.
The purpose of the study was achieved through the use of such methods as generalization, analysis, synthesis, comparison, survey (questionnaire).
The article considers the concept of «academic integrity» and the reasons for its violation; identifies types of academic dishonesty. It is shown how the principles of honest behavior, supported at the state and public levels in Ukraine, began to be applied to the daily work of higher education institutions. In particular, attention was paid to the implementation of the following projects: «Project to promote academic integrity in Ukraine» (2016-2019), «Project for the formation of academic integrity in schools» (2017-2019), Project «Initiative of academic integrity and quality of education» (2020-2022), «Culture of Academic Integrity: The Role of Libraries» (2016-2019) (the latter was initiated by the Ukrainian Library Association).
The main information resources (for example, online courses, webinars, educational publications, the bulletin «Academic Integrity», the portal «BiblioSynergy: supporting research», etc.), useful for use by both teachers and librarians for educational purposes principles of academic integrity, were considered.
It is emphasized that today the libraries of the institutions of higher education are the centers of formation of the culture of academic integrity and media literacy, the centers of competence in academic writing and integrity. Its mission is also to expand and strengthen the influence of academic integrity in the educational and scientific environment through coordination, consultation, promotion, and monitoring.
Our survey conducted in April 2022 among the libraries of agricultural colleges of Ukraine made it possible to identify trends in the involvement of network specialists in the implementation of the principles of academic integrity, the presence of certain difficulties in this area.
Library institutions are offered a number of measures to promote academic integrity: 1) conducting various seminars, trainings and webinars for users aimed at improving the level of information literacy; 2) posting information on library sites that will promote the formation of academic integrity; 3) involvement of library specialists in teaching certain topics of training courses on the basics of academic writing; 4) verification of scientific texts (including student qualification papers) for the presence of plagiarism; 5) popularization of academic integrity among users by distributing information materials (flyers, leaflets, booklets), creating and supporting thematically related to academic integrity specialized Internet resources and profiles on social networks (pages, groups, etc.), conducting special events and campaigns (installations, exhibitions, flash mobs, quests, etc.); 6) conducting research on academic integrity by organizing surveys, questionnaires, interviews with members of the academic community, compiling analytical reports and certificates based on the analysis of surveys and questionnaires, etc.
Keywords |
academic integrity, the culture of academic integrity, plagiarism, academic dishonesty, popularization, library institutions
References |
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