Title |
General Issues of Theory and Methodology of Historical Science |
1 |
Agricultural biographics vs agricultural biographistics: concept, information resource, reflexive potential
Demuz І.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
1–22 |
World History |
2 |
History of migration flows of ethnic moldovans to the North-Black Sea region: causes and consequences
Zerkal M.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
23–48 |
3 |
Features of monument protection legislation of the republic of Estonia
Kharkovenko R.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
49–71 |
History of Ukraine |
4 |
The pottery workshop in the village of Oleshnia as a special honor of A. Lindfors` memory
Yutsevych P.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
72–85 |
History of Science and Technology |
5 |
Kharkiv astronomical observatory at the time of the German occupation (1941–1943) during the Second World War years
Balyshev M.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
86–107 |
6 |
Professor I.I. Klodnytsky (1884-1949) - organizer of sectoral higher education and experimental work in Ukraine, developer of the genetic basis of selection of farm animals
Borodai І. S.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
108–123 |
7 |
Initial period of history of the Kharkiv National Agrarian University Named After V. V. Dokuchayev in the dimension of the European process of agricultural education and research affairs (end of the 18th – first half of the 19th century)
Holikova O.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
124–146 |
8 |
The life of prince S.P. Urusov (1859 – 1918): unknown pages
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
147–172 |
9 |
J. Oleskiv - Ukrainian scientist and educator from Galicia (late nineteenth - early twentieth century)
Pynda L.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
173–184 |
10 |
Kharkiv period in the educational and scientific activity of Academician VASGNIL M.F. Ivanova (1900-1914)
Prysiazhniuk M.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
185–200 |
11 |
Poltava ornithologist M.I. Gavrilenko: study of birds of Ukraine and the Soviet Union
Rohozha M., Rohozha M.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
201–214 |
12 |
The scientific heritage of doctor of biological sciences professor Leonid Ivanovych Rubtsov
Rubtsova O., Chuvikina N.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
215–236 |
Historiography and Source Base |
13 |
Historiography of the problem of education of a "good citizen" in Ukrainian and world ethnopedagogy
Pereginchuk T.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
237–256 |
Information and library support |
14 |
he population of NSAL of NAAS inform database by foreign publications
Sytnikova A.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
257–275 |
Discussions |
15 |
Pavilions of republics at the First Soviet Agrarian-Industrial Exhibition: science, technology, natural resources, art images
Elina O.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: |
276–291 |