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04 |
The polish ethno-political component of the UPR/WUPR statehood formation (1918 – 1939)
full article |
Pylypenko L.
Pages: |
57–78 |
Summary |
During the Russian and Ukrainian revolutions, pre-war Polish and Ukrainian national ideas underwent certain ideological and organizational changes. The dynamics of ethno-political transformations in Ukraine and Poland during 1918 called into question certain optimism about the future progress of Ukrainian-Polish interstate relations that had prevailed in the previous year. Politicians from both sides began to realize the mutual conflict between the two state-political projects, which were implemented on the ruins of the Russian Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. Ukrainian diplomacy in 1917–1918 was mainly focused on maintaining trusting relations with the Central Powers, with the help of which the Ukrainian People's Republic and the State of Ukraine sought to resolve territorial issues disputed with their neighbors, in particular, to determine the status/belonging of Eastern Galicia, Northern Bukovyna, Transcarpathia, Volhynia, and Kholm region. However, after the victory in the World War, the main role in the formation of the foreign policy of the Entente was played by France, whose opinion was decisive at the Paris Peace Conference, at which the fate of the "old" and new countries in post-war Europe, including the Soviet Ukrainian People's Republic, was decided. Not understanding the ambitious plans of Ukrainian politicians, Paris did not want to conduct an official dialogue with the diplomats of the Ukrainian People's Republic and the People's Republic of Ukraine, since an independent Ukrainian state, particularly in the post-imperial space of Russia, did not fit into the geopolitics of the victorious countries in Eastern Europe.
Keywords |
Polish-Ukrainian relations, diplomacy, the Second Polish Commonwealth, interwar period, UPR, WUPR
References |
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