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Archive ⇒  History of Science and Biographical Studies 2021 No.4

Recommended for publication by the Academic Council
of National Scientific Agricultural Library NAAS
December 30, 2021 (Minutes No. 13)

General Issues of Theory and Methodology of Historical Science
1 To changes of agricultural thinking: from cultural plants to culture of agriculture

Baziv V.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 1–24
World History
2 International experience and preservation of the cultural heritage of the republic of Kazakhstan in conditions of globalization

Kharkovenko R.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 25–42
History of Ukraine
3 John George Pinzel in the sociocultural space of Ukraine

Bilyk N., Uhryn A.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 43–55
4 Klyment Kvitka (1880-1953) - outstanding ethnographer, teacher, public figure, «friend of ideas» of Lesia Ukrainka

Demydenko N.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 56–71
5 Professional activity and political views of S.P. Tymoshenko

Dyakova Н., Bondarenko A.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 72–86
6 Numerical, national and social composition of the population of Horodenky county of Stanislavsky Voivodship in the inter-war (1919– 1939)

Levkun O.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 87–120
History of Science and Technology
7 Providing farmers and processors of agricultural products in the Ukrainian territories of the Russian Empire with agricultural machines and implements, as well as equipment for processing agricultural raw materials in the 1860s - 1870s

Annenkova N., Bey R.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 121–136
8 Participation of the Kharkiv Astronomical Observatory in the observation of a total solar eclipse in June 1936

Balyshev M.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 137–154
9 Historical aspects of amaranth culture in Ukraine

Grunwald N.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 155–166
10 History of formation, structure and documentary composition of the personal archival fund of the corresponding member of the NAS of Ukraine O. I. Stepanets (according to IAS VNLU)

Kolomiec M.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 167–184
11 History of statistical observations of inventive activity in academic organization and Ukrainian universities

Kossko T.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 185–197
12 History of the world citric acid market development

Kulakova O.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 198–223
13 Significance of the first provincial congress of industrial cooperation November 16-19 1922 for the development of sugar production

Pidhaina T.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 224–243
14 Professor E.V. Khraplyvyi and his system of training of agricultural personnel

Utkin A.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 244–275
Historiography and Source Base
15 The founders of origin and development of the domestic semiconductor industry

Tsarenko O., Rizhniak R.
Abstract, keywords & references
Pages: 276–297
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