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Scientific views of the outstanding scientist-hygienist of Professor Andrii Sulima-Samoilo
full article |
Tovkun L.
Pages: |
227–248 |
Summary |
The activities of an outstanding sanitary doctor, a specialist from questions of hygiene and microbiology of nutrition, the great expert in commodity science planning and food, one of the founders of the section of medicine – hygiene of physical education and sports by Andrii Sulima-Samoilo is highlighted in the article. He worked as a professor at the Department of Hygiene and Sanitation at the Women’s Medical Institute (St. Peterburg) and the State Institute of Physical Education (Leningrad), at the Leningrad State Institute for Advanced Medical Studies, at the Leningrad University, at the Kharkov Sanitary and Hygienic Institute, at the Kharkov branch of the All-Union Institute of the Bakery Industry. At the same time, he was a member of the board of the Leningrad Scientific and Hygienic Vegetarian Society, one of the organizers of the All-Ukrainian Institute of Nutrition and the head of the hygiene and microbiological department, a member of the editorial council of the magazines «Hygiene and Health of Workers’ and Peasants’- Family», « Problems of Nutrition», «For Healthy Nutrition», «Food hygiene».
With the help of the using special research methods – historical-biographical, retrospective and source analysis it was established that professor A. Sulima-Samoilo during his life made a significant contribution to the development of different branches of hygiene as in Ukraine and abroad. To implementation his ideas in life, he used the department of a teacher and speaker, a research laboratory and production practice, as well as pages of scientifically-popular and general press. He investigated of the positive influence of human consumption of food products of plant and animal origin, which were don’t use. At his suggestion, wild flora, tops, invertebrates, internal organs of cattle, etc. were introduced as additional food resources. All these researches were useful in eliminating the problem of providing the country’s population with food in the late 20-th and the beginning 30-th of XX century in conditions of massive malnutrition and hunger, during the Great Native War. Numerous publications of the professor, covering the questions of microbiology, metabolism and nutrition, disinfection and disinfections, public hygiene and public legislation, and many others, were published in as a native and foreign scientific journal.
Keywords |
A. Sulima-Samoilo, food hygiene, microbiology, public hygiene, All-Ukrainian Institute of Nutrition, journal «Problems of Nutrition»
References |
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