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08 |
Professor V.P. Ustyantsev's (1875-1935) activities in the context of the formation of agricultural experimental work and higher professional education in Ukraine
full article |
Apostol M.
Pages: |
118–135 |
Summary |
The author goal is to highlight the main milestones in the life and creative path of a talented scientist in the field of animal husbandry, the founder of agricultural research work and higher professional education in Ukraine, Professor V.P. Ustyantsev. The research methodology is based on the predominant use of historical and scientific analysis, as well as the biographical method as a means of reconstructing the intellectual biography of the scientist. The source base of the research covers a wide range of published and unpublished materials, it is based on archival documents and V.P. Ustyantsev's scientific papers. The scientific novelty of the publication lies in the substantiation of the scientist's contribution to the development of the physiology of feeding farm animals, the development of the problems of ensiling local forages its influence on the productivity of livestock. It is summarized V.P. Ustyantsev's contribution in the development of a program and methodology for an expeditionary survey of animal husbandry in the Kiev province, the introduction of the first state herd books as the basis for the formation of breeding in Ukraine. It is considered the development of the theory of ontogenesis, the foundations of the mineral and protein nutrition of farm animals as priority direction of his scientific heritage. The role of the scientist in the organization and activities of specialized zootechnical cathedras at the Novo-Alexandria Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, Kiev Polytechnic, Kiev Agricultural and Kiev Veterinary & Zootechnical institutes, as well as at the Moscow Institute of Horse Breeding is shown. V.P. Ustyantsev substantiated the need to introduce the course "Physiological foundations of farm animal feeding" in the vocational education program. The achievements of the scientist in the formation of the Kiev, Nosov and Polessia regional agricultural experimental stations, the All-Union Institute of Animal Husbandry are considered.
Keywords |
animal science, zootechnical education, agricultural research work, feeding of farm animals, V.P. Ustyantsev
References |
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