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Local lore Ukraine as a component of social geography in the creative heritage of K.V. Dubniak (1890–1948)
full article |
Omelchenko S.
Pages: |
44–60 |
Summary |
The history of national local lore is an inexhaustible source of research. This is eloquently evidenced by the creative heritage of the outstanding geographer, local historian, bibliographer, Professor Kost Volodymyrovych Dubniak (1890-1948). Studying his contribution to the development of agricultural science, the researcher has found archival materials that significantly supplemented the biography of the scientist and his works on the formation of Ukrainian local lore.
The researcher carries out a historical and scientific analysis of the main creative works of Professor K.V. Dubniak on the formation and development of Ukrainian local lore, economic geography, development of branch terminology. The source base of the study covers a wide range of published and unpublished materials. It is based on archival documents and scientific works of the scientist. For the first time the researcher investigated Dubniak’s creative contribution in the development of the Ukrainian Committee of Local Lore, the Ukrainian Research Institute of Geography and Cartography; deepening and supplementing biographical information related to active pedagogical activity, publishing work in the journal «Local Lore». She proved the priority of the scientist in the formation of Ukrainian local lore; development of educational programs for the preparation of pupils and students of various forms of education; enhancement of agricultural bibliographic case of local lore in the 20-30's of the twentieth century.
The novelty of Dubniak’s scientific studies in the 20–30s of the 20th century was to substantiate his own understanding of economic geography. It studies the economic region or even the state as separate components of the world economy, and the concept of «edge» was interpreted as a territorial formation (district), the study of which reveals general patterns of society and nature and its impact on economic human life. The scientist claimed that local lore work would become a powerful driver of state and economic development if large sections of the population were involved in it.
In the mid-1920's K.V. Dubniak is gaining high prestige in the scientific community as a theorist of «industrial local lore». He first introduced this concept into scientific circulation at the First All-Ukrainian Conference of Local Lore on May 28–31, 1925. Prof. K.V. Dubniak provided local lore and geographical studies in the development of the national educational system. An important methodological task for the scientist was the development of educational programs to study the geography, history, nature and ethnography of the native land. Active participant in professional discussions on the structure of textbooks, program formation, etc. The result of his methodological work became the course of geography, built on a clear basis of local lore. The researcher proved that K.V. Dubniak is a methodologist of school local lore.
The content analysis of the Dubniak’s creative work proved that the theoretical foundations of local lore as a separate science in the structure of Ukrainian geography were substantiated in more than 30 author's scientific publications in 1921–1928. During this time, he published about 200 geographical reviews.
Keywords |
Kost Dubniak, Ukrainian Committee of Local Lore, journal «Local Lore», Ukrainian Research Institute of Geography and Cartography
References |
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