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Features of activity of the library commission of the Kyiv Literacy Society on the distribution of literature among the population of Right-Bank Ukraine (end of XIX – beginning of the XX century)
full article |
Kotsur А.
Pages: |
33–43 |
Summary |
At the end of XIX century, progressive Ukrainian intelligentsia paid considerable attention to the education of the population by spreading the printed word. One of those methods was the establishment of public libraries. The Kyiv Literacy Society was also diligently engaged in the opening of libraries.
Activity in the opening of the reading rooms and bookstores was primarily related to the actions of the structural units of the Kyiv Literacy Society, the Library commission in particular, which was created in 1897. But we can safely say that the Library commission existed in previous periods of existence of the Society. However, its activity was mostly sporadic and was not regulated by any approved instructions.
The establishment and operation of libraries of the Kyiv Literacy Society is the most successful initiative of the organization. The first rural public libraries were opened in the mid-80s of the XIX century. With the resumption of the organization, its activists continued the work. Libraries were opened at the expense of funds that were provided to the Society for this purpose by individuals, charitable societies and trustees, local authorities, and others. In all time, the Society had formed about a thousand different libraries. Apparently, there was no province on the Right-bank Ukraine where there would not be a reading room opened at the Society’s expense. The organization also paid considerable attention to the libraries in educational institutions.
The Library commission undertook all the work on the acquisition of libraries and the opening of bookstores. Furthermore, activists of the Library commission prepared and published several collections with a review of literature that was «suitable for people». Thanks to the commission there was a regular free distribution of books to rural schools, libraries, and other educational institutions.
Keywords |
Kyiv Literacy Society, Library commission, library, bookstore, reading room
References |
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