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Historiography of the problem of education of a "good citizen" in Ukrainian and world ethnopedagogy
full article |
Pereginchuk T.
Pages: |
237–256 |
Summary |
The current issue today is to consider the problem of education of "good citizen" in the works of famous teachers – V. O. Sukhomlinsky, K. D. Ushinsky, G. G. Vashchenko and its contemporary rethinking in foreign pedagogy as an ecological civil education in the process of forming integrative personality traits based on well-known democratic values. This reflects the desire to participate in the life of civil society and the state. After all, if a person helps other people, protects and purifies natural locations, then it corresponds to the moral qualities of a "good citizen". The article also analyzes the ethno-pedagogical features of education in children's and youth public organizations in the context of the study of contemporary oral history.
The character traits of a real man, warrior, and defender are currently being developed by the following community-based children and youth organizations: the All-Ukrainian Children's Scout Organization "Sich", the National Scout Organization of Ukraine "Plast", the International “Spas” Federation and the International Boyoviy Hopak Federation. The love for nature is not only a pedagogical microfactor of education, but also a clear prototype of a much broader context – the Motherland. The upbringing of moral and ethical norms of behavior and stable character traits inherent in a citizen of a given people is now understood as national education. That is why the children of "Plast" learn to preserve the original nature, that is, plastic and other chemical waste after hiking to take to the city to throw in the trash. The school must use every moment of its work not only to provide pupils with knowledge, but also to bring up full-fledged, well-developed people and good citizens of their Motherland. In this regard, teachers of children's and youth public organizations can come to the aid of school teachers. The modern educational process in Western countries continues to develop on the basis of the upbringing of a virtuous citizen and civil society. In Germany, ecological studies were born due to the existence of traditions of environmental education of young people, the spread of methods of humanizing public life after the war. The concept of "environmental education" was substantiated by German scientists at the Institute of Natural Sciences under the direction of G. Eulefeld. In his opinion, the society has reached such a level of development that it is necessary to create environmental awareness among the population, and especially the younger generation.
Keywords |
the problem of "good citizen", K. D. Ushinsky, G. G. Vashchenko, V. O. Sukhomlinsky, ethnopedagogy, methods of education
References |
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